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Las Vegas: gambling addiction











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Every gambler can withdraw from gambling if he allows the addiction to be isolated. Without using rigid rules of behavior, the author and addiction counselor M. Trojan teaches you to logically question the addiction. Using this effective method, the author accomplishes that the gambler will then scrutinize his life so far. By means of a change of your attitude you will succeed in isolating the addiction with an unprecedented effectiveness. Using newly developed methods, a gambler will scrutinize his addiction critically and will finally be convinced to turn his back on it.
Information of Author
The German counselor for gambling addiction, blogger and author M. Trojan, aka John Valcone is deemed to be the most authentic addiction counselor among gamblers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland because he developed his own addiction withdrawal methods as a result of having been affected himself. He acts in the background - disguised and anonymous. He was born in Bavaria and was confronted with the rising gambling industry at an early age. He became completely addicted and succeeded to withdraw many years later. After considering suicide and suffering from serious depressions, the author has accomplished an incredible success to date. He wrote a book about his self-destructive life and since the first day of publication he was able to reach out to innumerable gamblers. From the addiction to becoming an addiction expert. With his polemical and polarizing texts, the ex-gambler lends a voice to gamblers all over the world.


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Description Every gambler can withdraw from gambling if he allows the addiction to be isolated. Without using rigid rules of behavior, the author and addiction counselor M. Trojan teaches you to logically question the addiction. Using this effective method, the author accomplishes that the gambler will then scrutinize his life so far. By means of a change of your attitude you will succeed in isolating the addiction with an unprecedented effectiveness. Using newly developed methods, a gambler will scrutinize his addiction critically and will finally be convinced to turn his back on it. Information of Author The German counselor for gambling addiction, blogger and author M. Trojan, aka John Valcone is deemed to be the most authentic addiction counselor among gamblers in Germany, Austria and Switzerland because he developed his own addiction withdrawal methods as a result of having been affected himself. He acts in the background - disguised and anonymous.

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